Pigeon Mineral Brick

The Pigeon Mineral Brick consists of a specially blended mix of natural minerals, grits and trace elements bonded by a premium quality mineral clay. All the ingredients supply various amounts of minerals to the pigeons, with the major ingredient being Calcium Carbonate which birds require for egg shell production and bone formation. The  Mineral Brick has been enriched with Magnetite, which is a magnetic iron oxide discovered by scientists to be in the beaks of homing pigeons and believed to act as a biological compass and assist the birds to navigate using the Earths magnetic fields. The use of Magnetite by some fanciers suggests that Magnetite fed to young pigeons up until the time of weaning and again during early racing, may have a beneficial effect on homing ability and performance.

 Calcium Mineral Brick

The Pigeon Calcium Brick consists of a specially blended mix of natural minerals, grits and trace elements bonded by a premium quality mineral clay. All the ingredients supply various amounts of minerals to the pigeons, with the major ingredient being Calcium Carbonate which birds require for egg shell production and bone formation. The Calcium Brick has an additional amount of Limestone added to ensure enough calcium is available to pigeons during the breeding season. Many of the minerals in the Calcium Brick would normally be found by free ranging birds in the wild and it is important to supply these same minerals to captive breeding stock. The Calcium Brick is made from the highest quality ingredients which are processed and baked at a temperature which reduces the risk of contamination from bacteria.

                                         White Mineral Brick

The White Mineral Brick consists of a specially blended mix of natural minerals, grits and trace elements bonded by a premium quality mineral clay. All the ingredients supply various amounts of minerals to the pigeons, with the major ingredient being Calcium Carbonate which birds require for egg shell production and bone formation. The White Mineral Brick has been specially formulated for the fancier with Show Pigeons with the deletion of the iron oxide colouring which is found in the Mineral and Calcium Bricks. The result is a natural white coloured clay which helps reduce feather stains on Show Pigeons yet allows them to consume the same range of minerals as found in the other Bricks.

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